• Fender Pro Junior IV 15W 1×10 tube combo amp – Tweed lacquered

    Long revisited by gamers everywhere, the 15-watt Pro Junior IV adds a modified volume circuit and classic tweed look to this workhorse amplifier. This compact, easy-to-use amp is ideal for high-performance guitarists who need exceptional tone and remarkably touch-sensitive dynamic response. FEATURES 15 watts Jensen 10″ P10R loudspeaker Modified volume circuit for more gradual breakup […]

    $899.99 Add to cart
  • Fender Custom Deluxe Reverb Guitar Amp ’68

    1968 was a transition year for Fender amps, with a sound that was still pure Fender but a brand-new look. With its silver and turquoise front panel and aluminum grille, the Deluxe Reverb has been given a completely new face, as it remains the ideal recording and performance amp. Small, light and moderately powerful, it […]

    $2,209.99 Add to cart
  • Fender Amplifier 68 Custom Vibro Champ Reverb, 120V

    The Customs ’68 have become a hugely popular amp series with guitarists who love the classic Fender sounds and tonal changes that resonate with today’s players. At just 5 watts, the original Vibro Champ® was famous for classic Fender tremolo, tube sparkle and impressive squeal at a reasonable level. The ’68 Custom Vibro Champ Reverb […]

    $1,239.99 Read more
  • EVH 5150 III 50W EL34 amplifier head

    Independent volume and gain control for all three channels has arrived with the 5150III 50W EL34 head. Experience total control, with the same deadly look and ferocious sound of the EL34 from the 100-watt head. The EL34 power tubes offer smoother, saggier and more saturated contours that evoke a more modern “British” sound, all with […]

    $1,999.99 Add to cart
  • Fender Tone Master Deluxe Reverb 100W 1×12 Inch Amplifier

    The Tone Master Deluxe Reverb amplifier uses massive digital processing power to achieve a single remarkable sonic feat: faithfully modeling the circuitry and 22-watt output of an original Deluxe tube amp. Using a high-performance 100-watt digital power amp to achieve the headroom and dynamic range of a true vintage Deluxe Deluxe amp, combined with the […]

    $1,279.99 Add to cart
  • Fender Champion 20 guitar amp

    Simple to use and versatile enough for all styles of guitar playing, there’s a Champion amp to suit you, whether you’re looking for your first practice amp or affordable stage gear. The 20-watt Champion 20 features a single 8″ Special Design driver, with superb vocals and amp effects that make it easy to dial in […]

    $179.99 Add to cart
  • Orange Amplifiers guitar amplifier combo 1×12”, 30 watts, vibrato, orange

    Our new TremLord 30 takes a trip back to the amps of the ’50s. We collaborated with Italian designers Lavoce on the 12″ loudspeaker. TremLord 30 features a tube vibrato with two foot-switchable speeds, and a footswitchable two-spring reverb. #namm2019 #wantsomeblues #orangeamplifiers

    $1,799.99 Add to cart
  • Fender Tube Combo Amplifier Hot Rod Deluxe IV 40W 1×12 – Black

    An updated version of the legendary amplifier that has been the heart of many a guitarist’s rig, the Hot Rod Deluxe IV features modified preamp circuits, a smoother spring reverb and improved aesthetics that any player is sure to appreciate. A supercharged amp with features the guitarist wants, this 40-watt 1×12″ combo is ideal for […]

    $1,279.99 Add to cart
  • Line 6 Catalyst 200 W, 2 HP 12″ amplifier

    The Catalyst family includes three two-channel amplifiers that function like traditional guitar amps while offering the increased versatility of modern amplifiers. From the 200-watt Catalyst 200, capable of holding its own on almost any stage, to the 60-watt Catalyst 60, perfect for sexercing, recording and playing in small venues, there’s a Catalyst amp for every […]

    $499.99 Add to cart
  • Fender Mustang LT25

    The Mustang LT25 is ideal for beginners and students alike, with a very simple user interface and a collection of 30 presets covering a wide range of music – a “greatest hits” of electric guitar sounds. The versatile signal chain with high-quality integrated amp and effects models produces stunning tones, making it an ideal practice […]

    $219.99 Add to cart
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