Fender Amplifier 68 Custom Vibro Champ Reverb, 120V


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SKU: 227-9000-000 Categories: , , , Product ID: 16127


The Customs ’68 have become a hugely popular amp series with guitarists who love the classic Fender sounds and tonal changes that resonate with today’s players.

At just 5 watts, the original Vibro Champ® was famous for classic Fender tremolo, tube sparkle and impressive squeal at a reasonable level. The ’68 Custom Vibro Champ Reverb enhances this classic amp by adding Hall reverb and using a larger 10″ driver to boost bass. These additions make this little marvel perfect for rehearsals, home recordings and even small concerts.

Additional information

Weight10 kg
Dimensions40 × 26 × 36 in


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