Yamaha P145B Digital Piano 88 Keys


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SKU: P145 B Categories: , , , Product ID: 127076


Yamaha’s P series digital pianos are cherished by pianists around the world who seek the comfort of an acoustic model in an instrument that is more manageable in size and weight. The P-145 offers a minimal number of features from the P series, focusing on a highly playable and authentic experience through its simple design and ease of use.

Compared to its predecessor, the brand-new P-145 features a much shorter and slimmer body, with a simple yet more modern and compact style. The new 88-key Graded Hammer Compact (GHC) weighted keyboard is built to uncompromising standards and offers the same playing feel as the standard Graded Hammer Standard (GHS) weighted keys used on previous models of the P series.

The new GHC keyboard offers a realistic playing feel.
One of the main concerns when buying a digital piano is related to the playing feel of the keyboard.

Pianists particularly wonder if they can feel the weight of the keys under their fingers as on a weighted acoustic piano keyboard, if the keyboard accurately responds when they play fast passages, if there are inconsistencies between the force with which they play on the keys and the resulting sound, and if the keyboard offers a sufficient dynamic range, from the softest to the loudest.

The GHS keyboards used so far in the P series have received many accolades from customers for the excellent balance and ease of play mentioned above.

The newly developed GHC keyboard in the new P series replicates the playing comfort of its predecessors in every aspect.

De plus, le clavier est plus compact que sur les modèles précédents, tout en offrant une sensation de jeu exceptionnelle.

The sound of a full grand piano.
This model offers the sound of a Yamaha concert grand piano, the CFIIIS: the origin of Yamaha’s first concert grand pianos, the CFX. The P-145 faithfully reproduces the deeply profound character of the sound of this instrument, so characteristic of that of a true grand piano.

The sounds have been sampled from a real piano, with a bright and clear tone, spacious highs, and a solid overall sound sensation. Additionally, the P-145 features a damper resonance function that reproduces the rich sound you hear when pressing the damper pedal, for an even fuller sound.

Place the instrument wherever you want, or take it with you.
One of the challenges that pianists face is that the acoustic piano is not normally an instrument that one carries around everywhere. Another issue is that traditional models are often too large to fit in a room.

The P-145 offers a brilliant solution to these concerns. With its sleek style – and the most compact size in the P series – this model blends into the decor of any room. With the optional soft case, you can take the P-145 to the studio, a party, a concert, or on a trip – whenever you need it.

Balanced and clear sound
The position and angle of the speakers at the back of the P-145 have been adjusted to faithfully reproduce the sounds reflected by the soundboard and lid of an acoustic grand piano. These adjustments allow you to play with clear and crisp midrange sounds, as well as prominent highs and lows for a well-balanced sound, even when the instrument is placed against a wall.

A specially designed stand and a three-pedal unit are available as options for a more authentic playing experience.
If you really want to play the piano instead of enjoying it casually on a table, Yamaha offers the optional L-100 stand and LP-5A pedal unit. Using the stand ensures stability, the correct height, and posture when playing, and the addition of the three-pedal unit allows you to enjoy a more authentic playing style.

Description :

• The compact Graded Hammer Compact (GHC) weighted-key keyboard provides a realistic playing sensation.
• 10 sounds, including beautifully layered strings with piano sounds, and various keyboard instruments such as concert grand pianos, electric pianos, and organs
• Includes 20 preset songs, including 10 demonstration songs tailored to each sound
• Play with headphones (sold separately) and a built-in metronome.
• The Sound Boost function provides a powerful and impactful sound that helps you stand out in the mix.
• The “Smart Pianist” digital piano app allows you to intuitively control all operations on the P-145 from your smart device’s screen.
• Button interface, easy to use for everyone.
• The Smart Pianist app includes PDF sheet music for 303 classical pieces for practice.

Technical specifications :

Number of notes: 88
Key Type: GHC matte black keys.
Key Sensitivity: Yes (hard, medium, soft, fixed).

Language: English

Sound Generator: Yamaha CFIIIS
Damper Resonance: Yes
Maximum Polyphony: 64
Number of Preset Sounds: 10

Réverbération : 4 types
Sound Boost : Yes
Functions: Dual/layer, duo

Number: 10 sound demonstration pieces + 10 for the piano

General Controls.
Metronome: Included.
Tempo Range: 32 to 280 BPM
Transpose: -6; 0; +6.
Tuning Adjustment: 414.8 – 440 – 466.8 Hz (in increments of approximately 0.2 Hz).
USB Audio Interface: 44.1 kHz, 16 bit, stereo.

Storage and connectivity
Connectivity: 12 VDC Input.
Headphones: Standard stereo jack (headphones/output)
Sustain Pedal: Yes.
USB to Host: Included.
Pedal Unit: Yes.

Amplifiers and loudspeakers
Amplifiers: 2 x 7 W.
Speakers: Two, oval (12 x 8 cm)

Power supply
Power Supply: Power adapter (PA-150B or an equivalent model recommended by Yamaha)
Power Consumption: 6 W (with PA-150B AC adapter)
Auto Power Off: Included

Dimensions (L x W x H): 1326 x 268 x 129 mm (52 3/16 x 10 9/16 x 5 1/16 inches)
Weight (batteries not included): 11.1 kg (24 lb 8 oz).

Included Accessories: User manual, online product registration, music rest, pedal unit, PA-150B power adapter



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Additional information

Weight16 kg
Dimensions220 × 20 × 40 in

In-store Pickup

To arrange an in-store pickup, please note it in the additional information section and specify the desired branch: Rimouski or Rivière-du-Loup.
When your order is ready, we will send you a notification.
You can then go to the branch, but you will need to present the credit card used for the transaction as well as a photo ID showing the billing address on your order.

Our options for shipping a musical instrument by mail and courier

At Métronomie, we offer various options for shipping your musical instrument door-to-door by parcel.
For a shipping rate, logistics, or to place an order, do not hesitate to ask Métronomie for another quote for shipping.

For any questions about our products or services, do not hesitate to contact us: metronomie@metronomie.com

Phone: 418-724-8088

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